Even though the Long Trail is over 100 years old there aren’t that many books written about it. When I set out on my Long Trail journey during the summer of 2020 I tried finding books about Vermont’s Long Trail and found it quite difficult. Being the oldest long-distance hiking trail in the United States, I figured there would be scores of books on the topic, but my local library in Vermont has very few. As a result, I took to the internet.
While I found plenty of guides to the trail and maps the stories were few and far between. After lots of searching, visiting plenty of libraries, and plenty of reading I have created this list of my favorite books about the Long Trail. I hope you have a few laughs and get inspired for your own hike along the Long Trail.
Books about Vermont’s Long Trail
A Short Walk on a Long Trail: A couple’s sauntering on the Vermont Long Trail
To anyone who sets out on any long-distance hike with their spouse, I applaud you. While I love my partner, we’d never make it to the end together, and one of us would probably end up in jail. Being in a relationship is hard. Being in a relationship while hiking a long-distance trail is harder.
In A Short Walk on a Long Trail: A couple’s sauntering on the Vermont Long Trail, Jane and Dennis Blanchard give us a glimpse of what it’s like hiking with your life partner. Having been married for 45 years at the time of their hike these two were no strangers to long-distance hiking. They’ve completed more than 1 of the Camino de Santiago trails and Dennis hiked the Appalachian Trail as well.
When it comes to books about Vermont’s Long Trail this one is full of freezing cold weather, record-breaking rainfall, and plenty of laughs. If you want a real look at what hiking the Long Trail can be like read this book. You’ll read about interactions with Vermonters that will make you want to move here and storms that will immediately change your mind.
Books about Vermont’s Long Trail – My Vermont Long Trail Thru-Hike: A Bull$@#! Journal and Guide
While calling this book a guide is a bit of a stretch you’ll get a good feel of what social life on the Long Trail (and some of the Appalachain Trail) is like when reading My Vermont Long Trail Thru-Hike: A Bull$@#! Journal and Guide.
The social aspect of life on the trail is something I hadn’t even considered before stepping foot along the Long trail. This book does a great job of highlighting the different characters you can meet along the way and the, oftentimes, high school like drama that can occur. I’ll be completely honest, I love trail gossip, so this book brought me back to trail life on the AT and LT!
As I said easier there isn’t too much of a guide here. There are some tidbits of information here and there, but you need to dig for it. If you’re into journals or want to journal your hike this is a good read. If you’re looking for books about Vermont’s Long Trail that are actual guides, get the official guide from the Green Mountain Club.
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Books about Vermont’s Long Trail – A Short Book on the Long Trail: Backpacking America’s First Long Distance Hiking Trail
Full disclosure, this book gets mixed reviews. Should you read it anyway, yes. In 2015 it did win the Outdoor Writers of Ohio award for Outstanding Media Achievement. What I’m saying is, a group of writers thought this book was at least pretty good so you should give it a try.
A Short Book on the Long Trail: Backpacking America’s First Long Distance Hiking Trail is anything but a guidebook. What I appreciated most about this book was how it highlighted the fact that once the Appalachian Trail, which shares approximately the first 100 miles of the Long Trail, turn east and heads towards New Hampshire the Long Trail continues north and the real challenge starts. After Killington I had more, “Holy crap why is this a trail,” moments along the Long Trail than I haven’t anywhere else in the world. This book really makes sure you know that’s going to happen.
Books about Vermont’s Long Trail – Green Mountain Girls: A Pack of Two Hike the Vermont Long Trail
Green Mountain Girls: A Pack of Two Hike the Vermont Long Trail is on this list for my animal lovers out there. Animals have found their way into our hearts for generations and when they’re able to join us on the trail it’s always special. While I didn’t run into many hikers along the Long Trail with their pups, but I did when I thru-hiked the Appalachain Trail.
These hikers not only had to care for themselves but also their dogs. It is a much different experience having a dog on trail and this book gives a glimpse into what that’s like.
Sandi Peirson tells the story of her and her pup, Annie, who find themselves adventuring along the Long Trail. Of all this books about Vermont’s Long Trail on this post this one is the cutest. I passed it along to a friend who loves dogs more than people and she really enjoyed it.
Books about Vermont’s Long Trail – Switching Gears: Rediscovering the Meaning of Life, Love, and Happiness While Backpacking Vermont’s Long Trail
Of all the books about Vermont’s Long Trail on this list, Switching Gears: Rediscovering the Meaning of Life, Love, and Happiness While Backpacking Vermont’s Long Trail, is my favorite. It perfectly illustrates of the Long Trail can and will test and push you farther than you ever thought. This book shows how hikers are humbled and moved by this trail.
Switching Gears is a book every Long Trail section or thru-hiker should read before they depart on their journey. Oftentimes hikers are overconfident in their skills and physical ability. Especially they’re physical ability. When this happens they push themselves too hard too fast and injury occurs. This is exact what happens in this book and the writer completely changes his out look, on so many things, and ends up returning to the trail to have, what it seems like, is an even more powerful experience than he would have had before.
If you’re only going to read 1 book about Vermont’s Long Trail this is the book!
Books about Vermont’s Long Trail – Long Trail Through Vermont
Today more and more women are getting out on trails all over the world and hiking our own hikes. In Long Trail Through Vermont, a young petite woman does not 1 but 2 hikes of the Long Trail – a section hike over 2 years and a thru-hike.
This story, which takes place in the late 1970s and early 80s is accompanied by plenty of color photos of the journey and shows that women can get out there are explore too. For anyone thinking of hiking the trail in the fall, the photos will solidify your plans!
She even has a mischievous run-in with a hiking legend, but you’ll have to read the book to find out who and what happens!
Read More: Best Shelters on the Long Trail
Books about Vermont’s Long Trail – Faithful’s Journey on Vermont’s Long Trail
Each hiker takes to the trail for different reasons. For some, it is to reconnect with nature while others are looking for the challenge of the terrain and distance. In the case of Faithful’s Journey on Vermont’s Long Trail, it is to connect with and trust in God.
While I don’t prescribe to a particular religion I found Fatihful’s story intriguing. Their struggle with Epilepsy and taking medication while on trail was a journey I had never considered before. It makes me happy that despite the difficulties there are people with medical challenges that strive to push themselves and get out on the trail.
If you’re looking for books about Vermont’s Long Trail with a religious perspective pick up this book. If religion isn’t your thing, skip this book. Or read it to gain knowledge of why someone going to the trail looking to connect with God. Our world needs more understanding across religious beliefs anyway.
Books about Vermont’s Long Trail
I’m sure there are many more books about Vermont’s Long Trail out there that I didn’t find and haven’t read yet, so if you know of any more people share them in the comments. I’m always looking for new books to read and stories to share! I hope some of these suggestions will inspire you to start your own journey along the Long Trail or have fueled the fire already inside you to get out there and hike!